The Black Diamond Grappling Hook is a large hook for techno climbing or bolting. It is supplied without a sling, which you have to mount yourself. Please note the correct assembly.
This Skyhook is designed for large crimps or solid scales. The tip of the Black Diamond Cliffhanger is nicely flattened to provide a stable contact surface. The curved shaft with the two lateral spikes ensures high stability under load.
This hook is a standard rack on many big walls and techno routes. Developers appreciate it in combination with an adjustable lanyard for fixing to the rock.
Conclusion. If you want to climb big walls, master techno routes or bolting, you should have a Cliff like this with you!
Features Black Diamond Cliffhanger
- Manufacturer: Black Diamond
- Material: carbon steel
- Weight: 67 gram
- Stable 3-point support surface
- Radius 4.2cm
- for large crimps
- Ideal for techno climbing, bolting
- Eyelets for cordalette or webbing sling
- Operating instructions
Assembly of the webbing sling or cordalette
Please note. It does NOT matter how you mount the sling in the Black Diamond Grappling Hook. Simply follow the sketch attached. This will ensure that the hook shaft is correctly loaded.
If you attach the sling differently, you run the risk of the hook constantly slipping off. Therefore, attach it properly according to the instructions!

Errors when using the Black Diamond Grappling Hook
The good news is. The use of the hook is largely self-explanatory. The bad news is. Not everyone is aware of the classic “mistakes” that can be made. That’s why we want to point them out here for the sake of completeness.
You shouldn’t do that:
- Installing the strap sling incorrectly
- Place hook over broken crimps / rock scales
- Insert the Cliffhanger upside down into transverse cracks and load downwards

Difference to the Cliffhanger

The Black Diamond Grappling Hook is much smaller than its “little brother”. This means it is intended for much larger crimps or scales. The “Cliffhanger” model is intended for very small ledges.
We recommend that you have a piece of each Cliff with you. After all, you never know which structures you will come across. The other advantage is that you are redundantly equipped. If you drop one of the two hooks, you still have another one with you!