
Our services

Innenaufnahme des bolting.eu Klettershop Innsbruck mit Klettermaterial im Hintergrund.

Climbing Shop Innsbruck

bolting.eu is much more! Check out our climbing shop in Innsbruck. There you find special climbing hardware for all vertical adventures!

Whether bouldering, sport climbing, alpine climbing, big wall or via ferrata.

Climbing shop Innsbruck

Bolting shop

Get all the bolting and rigging gear for your projects at top prices with just one order!

We offer:

– huge selection
– great prices
– fast delivery
– personal consulting

bolting shop
Das Bild zeigt einen Kletterer bei der Klettergarten Erschließung. Er hängt in einer grauen Felswand und klebt einen Klebehaken in die Wand. Im Hintergrund Felslandschaft und ein Gebirgsbach.

Construction services – bolting services

We build high-quality climbing infrastructure for all levels.

Climbing adventure trails, new climbing areas, rebolting and via ferratas. We plan the perfect solution together with our customers in a process-oriented manner.

The bolting.eu 10-point quality guarantee included.

bolting services
Das Bild zeigt bolting.eu Academy Leiter Gerhard Schaar bei Erklärungen zum richtigen Bohren. Er steht links im Bild mit einem Akku Bohrhammer in den Händen und hält diesen an einen großen weißen Felsblock rechts im Bild.


At the bolting.eu Academy, we offer multi-day bolting courses, one-day and half-day workshops and keynote lectures.

Our target groups are interested climbers, alpine clubs, rescue organisations and infrastructure care-takers of climbing regions.

bolting Academy
Das Bild zeigt eine Szene beim Bouldern neben einem Bach. Es soll die Wichtigkeit der Boulderausrüstung zeigen, denn es liegen zwei Bouldermatten auf spitzen Steinen unter dem Kletterer.

Climbing gear rental

We make climbing in Innsbruck a little more pleasant.

Because we offer a gear rental for mountain sports equipment such as helmets, via ferrata sets, harnesses, ropes, ice tools, crampons,…..

We have everything you don’t necessarily want to take with you when traveling.

Gear rental
Das bild zeigt den Einsatz eines Klettersteigsets Kinder auf einem Klettersteig. An einer grauen Wand klettert ein Junge mit gelbem Helm voraus. Dahinter der Vater. im Hintergrund eine grüne Wiese bzw. Wald.

bolting.eu Newsletter

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We also present cool bolting hacks and gear recommendations.

By the way: there are also special discount codes in every newsletter !

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What is bolting.eu?

bolting.eu is a one-stop platform for climbing infrastructure and climbing tourism marketing. The company from Tyrol offers:
– Webshop for drilling materials
Academy with workshops and courses
Drilling services for climbing gardens and via ferratas
– a drilling blog
– Climbing tourism consulting and marketing
– Online climbing store

Where is bolting.eu located?

The company bolting.eu is based in Innsbruck, Tyrol, Austria.

Who is bolting.eu?

bolting.eu is a company registered in the commercial register by sole proprietor Gerhard Schaar.

Why is bolting.eu so unique?

bolting.eu distinguishes itself from all its competitors by offering professional solutions for climbing infrastructure on a single platform.

What reference customers does bolting.eu have?

bolting.eu is pleased to support and supply customers such as Verbund Tourismus, Wörthersee Tourismus, IG Klettern Saar-Hunsrück, IG Klettern NRW, Alpenverein Wiesbaden, etc.