Shop » Raumer climbing anchor glue in bolt with 2 rings

Raumer climbing anchor glue in bolt with 2 rings

 43,90 46,90

High-quality and extremely durable climbing anchor with 10 mm glue in bolt. 10 x 80mm for granite and 10 x 100mm for limestone. Both models with EN 959 standard.

10mm rings with 32mm inner diameter.

Free shipping up to 2kg in 🇦🇹 from € 100,- and 🇩🇪 from € 200,-!


The picture shows the Raumer climbing anchor expansion bolt with 2 rings. The shiny silver abseil anchor can be seen in the center of the picture on a white square. The abseil rings hang in the lower flap.
Raumer climbing anchor glue in bolt with 2 rings
 43,90 46,90 Select options