The Beal Glass Bucket is a super helpful gear bag. On the one hand, it is used at many work at heights. And on the other hand, it is very popular with many bolting enthusiasts. The reasons for this are quite obvious.
Firstly, the material bag is transparent. You can immediately see how much material is left. Secondly, the bag is easy to attach. For example on the climbing harness or the Genius Triple material belt.
In short. This material bag is not one of the most popular accessories for nothing!
Features Beal Glass Bucket
- Manufacturer: Beal
- Volume: 1.8 liters
- Weight: 115 gram
- Height: 15cm
- Width: 15cm
- Material: transparent plastic
- practical click-clack fastener
- perfect for expansion bolt, bolt hanger,…
Perfect for work at heights & bolting

The Beal Glass Bucket is perfect for working at height. The transparent material bag has some great features.
Firstly, it is transparent. So you can immediately see where, what and how much is in it. Secondly, the tool bag is a good size. With a volume of 1.8 liters, it can easily hold 15 expansion bolt and bolt hanger can be accommodated. Thirdly, the super practical click-clack closure ensures secure storage. And fourthly, two fixed mini carabiners make it easy to attach to climbing harness.
What fits in a Beal Glass Bucket?
- approx. 15 expansion bolt and tabs
- 1 pack of glass mortar cartridges and 10 glue in bolt
- 2 lower off-climbing anchors
- 2 spare batteries for the drill
Beal Glass Bucket is part of the Beal Pro line
This product is just one from the Beal Pro line. They are all designed to meet the requirements of work at heights. Consequently, they are also super practical when bolting a climbing route. Different versions of gear bags and tool bags are available.
For example, the Genius Bucket for route setters in climbing gyms. Or the Genius Triple tool belt for work at heights. The Tool Bucket Long is very popular with bolters.
Practice tip
The Beal Glass Bucket tool bag is particularly useful for repetitive tasks. For example, if you always use the same screws for work at heights. Or if you always use the same expansion bolt when bolting. The material bag is also ideal for assembly work. For example, if the same pliers are used all day long. In short. This product is a good choice!
Link tip: to the manufacturer