The Petzl Vrillee is an aluminum bolt hanger. A 15mm long M8 stainless steel screw is already attached to it. It is primarily intended for use in speleology. A matching M8 spit or the Kong Anchor Fix M8 is always required as a counterpart.
Some alpinists also use this strap for their emergency kit. I.e. for a hand drill set with 8mm expansion bolt. In this case, the pre-installed M8 screw is unscrewed and replaced with the expansion bolt.
The extraordinary thing about the Petzl Vrille bolt hanger is its material. As already mentioned, it is made of aluminum! Consequently, the low weight of just 32 grams is hardly surprising. This makes it the lightest in the world.
Features Petzl Vrillee aluminum bolt hanger
- Manufacturer: Petzl
- Material: Aluminum
- breaking load; 15kN
- incl. pre-assembled 15mm long A2 steel screw
- for installation on M8 Spit or “internally threaded anchor”
- recommended anchor Kong Anchor Fix M8
- holds carabiner parallel to the rock
Installation with M8 Spit

The Petzl Vrille aluminum bolt hanger can be installed in two ways.
First as standard with the pre-assembled M8 screw in an M8 spit or internally threaded anchor. This means that you always need the “threaded counterpart” for this bracket.
Because it cannot be fixed with the screw alone!
As one of the very few retailers, we naturally stock several options for these “spits”:
- Kong Anchor Fix M8
- Spit M8
- Drive-in internal threaded anchor M8 stainless steel
Alternatively, you can also do the following. Remove the pre-assembled screw and replace it with an 8mm expansion bolt. This is what alpinists do on expeditions when they take a hand drill with them as an emergency measure. In this case, we recommend the Fischer FBN II 8/5 K!
Petzl Vrillee aluminum bolt hanger – corrosion
This bracket can lead to severe corrosion due to the different steel qualities. Please note that components made of different steel qualities can lead to“galvanic corrosion“. This depends on humidity, temperature and the materials.
This bracket holds longest with the M8 stainless steel internal thread anchor.